Digital Preservation Policy

Digital Preservation Policy

Website Archiving: All published contents are available on the publisher’s website

Abstracting/Indexing Services: The journal has been indexed in many Abstracting/Indexing services that store much essential information about the articles. These services archive not only the metadata about the article, but the electronic versions of the articles, as well. Therefore, copies of the articles are available to the scientific community through their systems.

Self-archiving: Authors may archive the final published version of their articles in personal or institutional repositories immediately after publication.

If the journal stops publishing: The publisher intends and expects to continue to publish the journal for a very long time. If due to some rare, unfortunate circumstances, the publisher is forced to stop publishing the journal, the manuscripts published in the journal will be kept online and accessible to the readers for at least 10 more years. This journal has been indexed in NepJOL.


  This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).